New Year, New Me! Here are 5 Unique New Year’s Resolutions for You

With the upcoming year on the horizon, it seems like the “new year, new me” mindset isn’t going away anytime soon. Having a New Year’s resolution for every clean slate can be exhausting, especially if you don’t end up pushing through with your word. Among the top 10 New Year’s resolutions are along the line of losing weight, exercising regularly, learning a new hobby, traveling more, and saving money (nevermind that the last two are contradictory). However, numerous studies have shown that more than half of these people fail to commit to their resolution list, so what we might need are unique New Year’s resolutions to keep us engaged all throughout the year!

It is easy to get discouraged. Skip exercising once, and you feel like your momentum is off for the remainder of the new year. However, New Year’s resolutions don’t have to be as rigid and firm! Set goals that are not only realistic, but also easy to achieve! Remember: what we want is progress, not perfection. For those who are not into resolutions, we ask you to reconsider as you read through our unique New Year’s resolutions list below:

Unique New Year’s Resolutions Bound to Make Your Life Better

1. Stay off instant food 

Unique New Year's Resolutions Eat HealthyCredit: Trang Doan / Pexels

There seems to be a mismatched priority when it comes to New Year’s resolution lists. Almost always, the intention to lose weight is everyone’s goal. However, what we should be aiming for is a healthier body, not a skinnier one. For some reason, our stomachs grumble for cup noodles in the middle of the night. Let’s face it: cup noodles, canned goods, and other instant foods make for great late night snacks, but we all know they’re far from healthy. Instead of going with your gut, grab a piece of fruit or other organic food to appease your midnight hunger instead. The same goes during snack time, where our urge to eat actually just comes from wanting to chew something. 

Healthy eating, coupled with simple exercises, can enhance your lifespan! If you want to take your “new year, new me” motto even further, check out these 5 Easy At Home Workouts You Can Do Right Now and 3 Quick & Easy Recipes to Stay Healthy!

2. Limit screen time

Unique New Year's Resolutions Screen TimeCredit: / Pexels

Did you know that adults have an average of around four hours of screen time everyday? In a month, that’s already a whopping five whole days of our eyes glued to the screen! Luckily for us, not all hope is lost. Both Apple and Android devices offer a screen time option, so maximize it! Setting a timer—say, just an hour for social media apps a day—can make all the difference! This feature locks the select apps when you’ve used up your hour. It might also help to delete mobile games and social media that take up most of your idle time. 

Additionally, when socializing, make it a habit to tuck your phone in your pockets so as to not distract yourself from the people you should be interacting with.

3. Live in the moment

Unique New Year's Resolutions ConcertsCredit: veeterzy / Pexels

In the top 10 New Year’s resolutions, you will always read something along the lines of “appreciate life more.” While it’s definitely right, you’ll need something more concrete than that. Let’s get one thing straight: we rarely look back on the hundreds of photos that we took. In the age of Instagram, taking pictures is almost as intrinsic as breathing air. However, think of how many concerts and get-togethers are not fully experienced because the thought of taking a good photo is always at the back of your mind. A good rule of thumb is to take a maximum of three photos—and put away your camera for the next event you have. Enjoy the moment for what it is, not for what you’ll be (not) looking at in front of a screen next time!

4. Lessen anxieties

Unique New Year's Resolutions Lessen AnxietyCredit: Suzy Hazelwood / Pexels

Instead of avoiding bad situations altogether, learn to manage the negative emotions that often come with it. It is futile to resist things that are unchangeable. Instead, try to live by the 5×5 rule: “If it won’t matter in 5 years, don’t spend more than 5 minutes worrying about it.” This is a mantra that many live by, and it never fails to take off the weight from their shoulders! If you’re the type to stress about something before it even happens, think of how you’re basically putting yourself through the agony twice. The best way to go about it is to be easy on yourself. If you need more tips to cope with your tendency to worry, read up on our 7 Fascinating Ways to Cope With Stress!

5. Get into podcasts

Unique New Year's Resolutions PodcastCredit: Burst / Pexels

There are times when silence consumes us. Life is always better with music in it, but in this case, there might be something better. When driving or doing chores, it is common to play your favorite playlist on blast, but have you ever considered putting on podcasts? Instead of listening to the same songs on repeat, learn something new each day with a podcast of your choice! This truly makes for a unique New Year’s resolution. Many genres are available on Spotify—from international news, true crime stories, fun facts, to technology hacks, there’s surely something for everyone! You can also opt for an audio reader for a book you’ve been meaning to read for the longest time. Need some ideas on where to start? Maybe these Best Young Adult Books Across Popular Genres may help!

Remember that Progress isn’t Linear

More than anything, learn to forgive yourself whenever you miss a day or two of practicing these unique New Year’s resolutions. With this “new year, new me” mindset, we should stop shaming ourselves if we struggle to push through. Like those top 10 New Year’s resolutions, this resolution list is not meant to make you feel bad about yourself, but celebrate the little milestones every time you achieve something on this list! After all, progress isn’t linear. As long as you keep going, you’re bound to become a better version of yourself in one way or another!

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