Calling all book lovers and bookworms out there! Have you been pondering on whether it’s time to invest in an ebook reader, also known as an e-reader? With all the ebook readers out there, it can be a tad bit challenging when getting down to the nitty-gritty of choosing the perfect one for you. To help you out a bit, we’ve put together a list of the best ebook readers that people can’t stop talking about! So read on to find out which one’s the best e-reader for you and things to consider when buying one!
Each ebook reader varies in its storage space. However, ebooks in themselves don’t take up that much space! You can fit around 200 to 300 ebooks in an 8GB ebook reader. But the game-changers are audiobooks! Audiobooks take up a lot of space so if you want to get an ebook reader that can play audiobooks, it’s best to go for one that has a lot of storage available.
The beauty of most ebook readers as compared to using tablets for ebooks is that they have E Ink technology. E Ink display mimics actual book pages so that it’s almost similar to the experience of reading from a physical book. Plus, it consumes less power so you can go for days without charging your e-reader. It also doesn’t emit a significant amount of blue light so that means lesser eye strain for the reader! However, there are also downsides to the E Ink technology so you’re going to have to weigh the pros and cons when choosing which screen type you want!
Are you planning to read in the tub or in the pool? Do you prefer warm light? Do you tend to take notes while reading? Waterproof, warm light, note-taking – these are some of the features that are exclusive to the best e-readers out there. If these features are non-negotiable to you, then it’s best to invest in top-notch e-readers that have them!
The Amazon Kindle Paperwhite (2021) is easily one of the best ebook readers that money can buy! It has similar features to that of the high-end Amazon Kindle Oasis but at a more affordable price. This new Kindle Paperwhite 2021 comes in two versions. The first is an 8GB version that now has adjustable warm light, waterproof build, and a 6.8-inch display! The other Kindle Paperwhite 2021 is the Signature Version that has 32GB and an auto-adjusting light. Both these versions are the first Kindles to have the USB-C port. But you won’t find yourself charging your Kindle Paperwhite 2021 that often because of its longer battery life!
To experience luxury reading, the Amazon Kindle Oasis (2019) is the perfect way to go! This ebook reader was the very first Kindle to have warm light. What sets this e-reader apart from others is that it has WiFi and 4G connectivity, an adjustable backlight, and an ergonomic design! It comes with buttons that you can click for when you want to move to the next page. You can also choose between its 8GB or 32 GB version. If you’re willing to splurge, then this Kindle is right up your alley!
For a more budget-friendly option, the Amazon Kindle (2019) is loved by many for being the kind of ereader that has all the must-have features without breaking the bank! This 8GB Kindle has adjustable front lights so you can adjust it to your liking, allowing you to read for hours on end whether during the day or at night. You can also pair your Bluetooth headphones to this Kindle so you can seamlessly listen to your audiobooks!
Compared to other Kobo readers, the Kobo Clara HD comes with a higher DPI (dots per inch) which allows you to enjoy crisper and clearer text and images! Kobo Clara HD is among the most affordable best ebook readers in the market with its 6-inch screen and a faster page-turner feature. This ebook reader is also more compact, making it extremely portable. It also comes with a blue light filter that automatically adjusts your screen brightness based on your timezone! Although, it’s best to keep this away from any water because it isn’t waterproof!
Kobo Libra 2 definitely makes it to the list of the best ebook readers given its amazing features at the price it’s sold at! Its predecessor was the pioneer in introducing audiobooks, USB-C port, and Bluetooth to the Kobo line-up. To take it up a notch, the Kobo Libra 2 has an even better screen and faster performance thanks to its use of the latest E Ink Carta 1200 touchscreen. Plus, its battery is a lot bigger than its previous model, with weeks in between charging. Reading on an ebook reader is a different and better experience with this ereader!
Paperlike surface, Android 11, ergonomic design, eye-friendly front lights – these are just some of the features that the Onyx Boox Note Air 2 takes pride in! Sized at 9.1 x 7.7 inches, the Onyx Boox Note Air 2 may not be the best option for one-hand readers but it’s perfect for those who want to read large documents and take notes simultaneously! It comes with built-in reading and note-taking apps that make it a seamless experience for you. With a lot of design similarities to that of a tablet, it also comes with a pen! If you’re a student looking for the perfect alternative to tablets for students where you can read your PDFs and take notes in, then this is the best option for you!
Onyx has some of the best ebook readers out there that are a great companion for note-takers! But with the Onyx Boox Leaf, Onyx dials it down a bit on the note-taking aspect and focuses on the basics of an ebook reader. The Onyx Boox Leaf is an E ink Android tablet that takes after its name with its lightweight design! As thin as a leaf, this ereader is one to beat when it comes to portability. It has flat edge bezels to make it look even more minimalist and clean! To top it off, it has a G-sensor that will automatically rotate the text on the screen depending on the tablet’s orientation!
If you’ve been looking for a sign to buy an ebook reader, then this is it! Shop for the best ebook readers with discounts and vouchers on Shopee Philippines! Expand your creativity and make reading a habit. It’s never too late to start! Build your book collection and check out some of the best self-help books, young adult books, and bedtime stories too for little ones!
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