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Seachem ParaGuard is a versatile and effective medication for treating a wide range of external fish diseases in your aquarium. From parasites to fungal and bacterial infections, ParaGuard offers a powerful yet gentle solution for maintaining the health and vitality of your aquatic companions. Key Features: Broad-Spectrum Treatment: ParaGuard is designed to address a variety of common fish ailments, including external parasites (such as ich and flukes), fungal and bacterial infections, and wounds. Gentle and Safe: Despite its potency, ParaGuard is gentle on fish and will not harm your beneficial nitrifying bacteria, ensuring the stability of your tank's biological filtration. Rapid Action: This medication works swiftly to combat diseases and promotes the healing process, providing relief for your fish. Versatile Application: ParaGuard can be used in both freshwater and marine aquariums, making it a flexible solution for various setups. Safe for All Fish: It is compatible with all fish, invertebrates, and plants, making it a suitable choice for community aquariums. Directions for Use: 1. Consult the product label for precise dosing instructions specific to your aquarium size and the severity of the infection. 2. Shake the bottle well before use. 3. Remove any chemical filtration (carbon, etc.) as it can absorb ParaGuard and reduce its effectiveness. 4. Add the prescribed amount of ParaGuard to your aquarium or hospital tank. 5. Continue treatment as directed, closely monitoring your fish for signs of improvement. 6. Perform water changes as necessary to maintain water quality and remove any non-consumed medication. Caution: Keep out of reach of children. For aquarium use only. Not for human consumption. Note: Always follow the dosing instructions provided on the product label to ensure safe and effective treatment for your fish. Consult your fish health professional for guidance if needed. ⚠️Not recommended for reef aquaria. As an alternative, use Seachem’s MetroPlex. Sizes: 100mL, 250mL, 500mL