MILKY WHITE SOAP 10x Whitening Bleaching Soap Glutathione Whitening Soap With Niacinamide and micro
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TRENDING NA SABON NA PAMPAKINIS AT PAMPAPUTI IN JUST 1-2 WEEKS LANG!! Milky White SOAP | WHITENING SOAP Affordable and good product! Benefits: ✔️ whitening ✔️ moisturizing ✔️ anti-aging ✔️ smoothening ✔️ glowing Milky White Soap It has Glutathione ,goat milk soap, niacinamide and Alpha Arbutin that promotes skin to be glowing and radiant. Goat 's milk is rich in fatty acids that can help support a healthy skin barrier to keep skin nourished and moisturized. Moreover, its high lactic acid content may help exfoliate the skin, which may benefit those with acne.And it is also contains 10 more extracts that helps to whiten skin, reduce inflammation, promote skin to be glowing and rejuvenate skin naturally. Nourished Skin Whitens Reduces Inflammation Rejuvenates Skin

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