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✔ 100% Authentic ✔ Available sizes in our shop: 1/4 Liter, 1/2 Liter, 1 Liter, 1 Gallon Product Details: Holiday Pipe-Jointing Epoxy Adhesive is specially formulated for pipe joints of cast iron, clay, concrete, asbestos, ceramics and rigid PVC pipes. This room temperature curing adhesive comes in two parts, the gray resin Component A and the beige colored hardener Component B. When mixed together and cured, it will form a thermo-setting material, unaffected by water, acids, alkalis, fuel oil, hot gases and other organic solvents.  USES: This adhesive is used for many types of plumbing joints. It replaces molten lead which is normally used for bell and spigot joints of cast iron or other metals, thus eliminating the hazard of melting lead. It has very good adhesion to concrete, clay, asbestos and PVC pipes. DIRECTIONS: ✔ PVC Pipes – Surfaces to be jointed must be roughened with emery cloth or sand paper before wiping with methanol or any suitable solvent. ✔ Metal Pipers – Metal surfaces must be abraded by sanding or with emery cloth. If surfaces are contaminated with fats, oil, or wax, wash with detergent and let it dry before applying adhesive. ✔ Concrete, Asbestos and Clay Pipes – Surfaces to be bonded must be free from dirt, dust and loose particles to ensure good wetting of surfaces. For best results, use steel brush. MIXING AND APPLICATIONS ✔ Mix well equal parts by volume of Components A & B until uniform color is attained. Mix only sufficient amount that can be used within the pot life period of the epoxy mix (1-1.5 hours). By using a spatula or caulking device, apply the epoxy mix into the joints. Bonded parts under ordinary conditions will set in 2 hours. Initial curing is attained within 24 hours. Full strength is enhanced with age. ✔ Wash all equipment with either kerosene, lacquer thinner or any other organic solvents before the adhesive cures. CAUTION: ✔ Avoid direct contact with skin, use rubber gloves. If skin gets soiled with adhesive, wash thoroughly with soap and water. Avoid the use of solvent in cleaning skin. Solvent will dissolve the resin and leave a thin invisible film on the pores of the skin which may cause irritation.