3 Variations Available
DIY Mold Kit Liquid Silicon Mold Maker | Silicon Mix 1:1 | Food Grade Clear Liquid Silicone Maker
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DIY Mold Kit Liquid Silicon Mold Maker by Build Store Manila! Available in Multiple Sizes 200 ML (2 bottles, 100 ML each) 500 ML (2 bottles, 250 ML each) 1000 ML (2 bottles, 500 ML each) Create your own molds with Fine Details Foodgrade, 1:1 Ratio Instructions 1. Place your items on your shape container. Better to stick the items on the container to keep it on place. 2. Pour equal parts of A and B on a plastic container. Best to use a weighing scale for accurate measurement. 3. Mix it slowly until no swirl color found. 4. Pour it into your container. 5. Wait for 8 to 12hrs for it to fully cure.

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