Acecook Superflyed by COCO Ichibanya Spice Stimulation Spicy Curry Yakisoba Sauce 148g
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Yakisoba Curry Sauce Special recipes from famous stores "Kokoi Chibanya" mixed with pork and garlic. Rich and spicy taste Aromatic spices Easily delicious at home Enjoy the taste of a specialty store that is unique to you by taking care of the world-class curry shop COCO Ichibanya. We have made this spicy yakisoba with a unique image of "Spice Curry" that is mellow. Round Vermicelli with moderate flexibility and smoothness. With moderation Therefore we created noodles That you won't get bored until the end Pork Curry Sauce with Garlic Finish with the spicy ``Tibisara Spice ''flavor that stimulates appetite. Finish with chopped soy, carrots and scallions. The popular series "Curry House CoCo Ichibanya" is now available in Japan! Cocoichi's secret "spices" will stimulate your summer appetite! Coco ƒ ƒ ๏ ๏ ๏๏๏๏๏๏๏๏๏๏๏๏๏๏๏๏๏๏๏๏๏๏๏๏๏๏๏๏‹CoCo」 ๏๏๏ ๏ ‐ ‐「 ƒ ‐๐」 ‣ ! ๏ ๏ ‣ ๏ ๏ 。 ๏ ๏ ๏ ๏ ๏ 。 ⁄ ⁄ €‹ € ๏ ๏ ๏ ๏ ‹ ๏ ‣ ๏ 。 、、 。