ALLAN Pisonet SINGLEBOX Casing/Pisonet 2N1 Dual Coin Slot Box Coinslot Box / Piso net Dual Coin slo
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100% Brand New and High Quality Metal Case/Box only With Power Cord at the Back With Screw Inside the box For Single Computer Only Color: Grey Size: W- 10.16 H-31.75 L-18.29 cm weight 2 kg.100% Brand New and High Quality Metal Case/Box Steel Black DIMENSION Body Dimension : width 7.5 in x height 12.5 in x length 7 in / wire long : 60 inches x 2 Coin Box dimension : 7.2 in w x 4.7 in h x 7 in length COIN SLOT display dimension : 7.2 in w x 7 in h x 7 in length ( detacheable )

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